Wednesday, March 12, 2008

judge ye not....

I just recieved an email from a friend that really upset me. This friend, who I know because our kids went to Catholic school together, sent me this email to "warn" me that kids in some highschools were trying to coordinate a "day of silence" to raise awareness about homosexuality and the constant hate and harassment that these children go through daily. If you are a "child of God", wouldnt you want to stop the hate? I believe in God...I believe in, "treat others as yourself", I believe that God made all men in his own image...So why would I not think that a homosexual HUMAN BEING would not be included in that?
Gay people do not choose to be gay, anymore than I chose to be female. They choose whether to live an open lifestyle, or whether to hide. Why do they have to choose that? Because narrow minded, bible thumping, stone throwing bigots make them out to be evil.
Bigotry is the same, whether it is race biased, gender biased, age biased....God's message is love..."Love thy neighbor" ...not "Love thy neighbor, only if they believe and act exactly like you think they should!"


Anonymous said...


Could not say that better myself. One of the things I doubt I ever reconcile myself with in the Catholic church but it is what it is and I doubt I will change how I feel.


Anonymous said...


You blogged me yesterday and I'm finally sitting down to blog you back. I have 5 kids, you think I would have "blogged" by now but I had to drag myself into the tech world a few years back for a new job. Still slow at catching on. I'm the Colorado Home Essay Contest lady by the way and my name is J.J. I wanted to thank you for sharing what you said about homosexuality. I have a very early childhood girlfriend, whom I am fortunate enough to still know as adult women. My husband and I do social things with she and her partner and we have been along side of this wonderful couple as they have faced hatred & bigotry. People need to wake up, evolve a whole lot! The world will be such a better place. Anyway, thanks!

Warm regards - J.J. Rodgers