Friday, April 25, 2008

Slow News Day

Michael Jackson Swears Off Women!

This was the headline I saw when logged in to my internet provider.
Is This really news? Come on people!!!
Michael Jackson swears off children, or Michael Jackson swears off plastic surgery....These would be news.
Just the fact that at least two women have seen him naked is enough to make me vom. It is amazing what some people do for money. Or should I say "who" people do for money.

I need to go read Shakespeare or something to replenish the brain cells I just lost.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my favs!!!

To Quote Julie Andrews..,"These are a few of my favorite things..."

1) Candy.....twizzlers
2) chocolate....raisinettes
3) movie.... Jaws
4) person.... My hubby
5) car... anything convertible
7) tv show... hell's kitchen
8) restaurant... The Inn at Dos Brisas
9) fast food.... McDonalds
10) soda...jones soda Cream Soda
11) wine.... Carpineto Chianti Classico
12) drink... Mojito
13) sitcom...the office
14) beach.... 7 mile beach in Negril
15) city...Venice
16) v-cay....Italy
17) picnic park...New Orleans
18) actor... Steve Carrell
19) actress... Michelle Pfiffer
20) comedian... Lewis Black
21) hottie... Brad Pitt
22) band... Daughtry
23) Idol... David Cook
24) Chef... Tom Collichio
25) Accent... Scottish or Irish (sometimes I can't tell the difference)
26) meat... Filet
27) Veg.... grilled asparagus
28) dessert... creme brulee
29) pasta... Fettucini Alfredo
30) fruit... watermelon
31) football team... Saints
32) baseball team... Cy-Falls Eagles ( my son's)
33) shoe... satin zebra striped stiletto
34) past time...watching tv
35) coffee... hazlenut latte from Starbucks
36) ice cream... Chunky Monkey
37) beer... Abita Amber
38) chip... pringles
39) seafood... lobster
40) sushi... scorpian roll
41) chinese food... pepper steak
42) sandwhich... roast beef po-boy from R&O's
43) hamburger... Lee's
44) song... Gravity from John Mayer
45) concert... Tina Turner
46) show... Cirque de Soleil..."Ka"
47) tv cop... Munch from Law and Order: SVU
48) tv doctor... Dr. Gregory House
49) pet... kitten
50) night out... dinner

These may change without notice.......

change is good!

Whoever said change is bad, never got 12 inches of hair cut off!! WOW...does it feel great! It helps that I am donating it to "Locks of Love"...but I am much more shallow than that. There is a definite high to be had when you make a drastic change. You feel brave and adventurous! I love to see the look on peoples faces...and the "you look great!" comments dont suck!
Every now and then, you need to kick start your passion. Whether it is cutting your hair, painting a room red, quitting your job to follow your doesn't matter. Do something that scares you a little bit...when you do...its amazing!

This high will last for a while....I wonder what I'll do next?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The dark side

I feel I am being lured over to the dark side....A.D.D. medication. I have been fighting a losing battle to help my son. Not able to hold him back (yet) to a more age appropriate grade, (he is a year younger) I have been preparing for plan "B". I was afraid that medication would always be in the future...every professional I talked to went straight to it. But I thought I could manuver around it, I thought I could beat it, I thought....I don't know what I thought!

SO, we went to his doctor and talked about medication...we settled on Addaral pill a day and he will magically be better!..yeah, right.

We started him on a Saturday so we could watch for any side effects. Now, you must know that my son had been present during my discussion with the doctor of the side effects that are possible, So of course he developed all of them as soon as he had taken the pill...except for sudden death...he couldn't pull that one off. We finally convinced him that he did not have every side effect, and he soon forgot about the medication and went about his normal day.

He did become extremely chatty and even had a slight facial tick, for about a day.

Monday morning, I wrote the teacher a note letting her know that he had started this new med and asked her to let me know if she noticed any changes. Well I didn't expect a note back the first day...but there was one, letting me know that he had completed all but 1 assignment. This from a child who doesn't finish anything!

I have to admit that I had mixed feelings...part of me didn't want it to work. I didn't want to "give in" but I also don't want my son to suffer....if the medication helps him..?.?.?

I am not proud of this outcome...We are still fighting to keep him in 3rd grade where he belongs, but if that doesn't happen, at least I have plan "B"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

i am flawed!!

I have many flaws...I am lazy, I watch brainless reality tv, I spend too much money....but my worst flaw is my inability to disguise my feelings. If I don't like are well aware that I don't like you!
Case in point... new girl at work! Hate her!
She started driving me insane on her very first day, while I was training her. I was sitting on a chair before the restaurant opened, talking to some coworkers, when she walked up and SAT ON MY LAP! Unless you are an oiled up hunk of man-candy being compensated for being on my dont belong on my lap! She is also all up in the kool-ade...which is not my favorite attribute in a person. If I wanted you to know what I was talking about, you would hear your name at the begining of the sentence! The final straw was when this 20 year old beotch asked me if I ever got to see The Doors in concert! BITCH, Jim Morrson died a year before I was born!

Sometimes I feel bad because I am not nice to her, but then she does something new to annoy me....and no more guilt.
Well, I guess what you will learn from this is that if I seem to like you, then I do!!!!