Saturday, April 12, 2008

The dark side

I feel I am being lured over to the dark side....A.D.D. medication. I have been fighting a losing battle to help my son. Not able to hold him back (yet) to a more age appropriate grade, (he is a year younger) I have been preparing for plan "B". I was afraid that medication would always be in the future...every professional I talked to went straight to it. But I thought I could manuver around it, I thought I could beat it, I thought....I don't know what I thought!

SO, we went to his doctor and talked about medication...we settled on Addaral pill a day and he will magically be better!..yeah, right.

We started him on a Saturday so we could watch for any side effects. Now, you must know that my son had been present during my discussion with the doctor of the side effects that are possible, So of course he developed all of them as soon as he had taken the pill...except for sudden death...he couldn't pull that one off. We finally convinced him that he did not have every side effect, and he soon forgot about the medication and went about his normal day.

He did become extremely chatty and even had a slight facial tick, for about a day.

Monday morning, I wrote the teacher a note letting her know that he had started this new med and asked her to let me know if she noticed any changes. Well I didn't expect a note back the first day...but there was one, letting me know that he had completed all but 1 assignment. This from a child who doesn't finish anything!

I have to admit that I had mixed feelings...part of me didn't want it to work. I didn't want to "give in" but I also don't want my son to suffer....if the medication helps him..?.?.?

I am not proud of this outcome...We are still fighting to keep him in 3rd grade where he belongs, but if that doesn't happen, at least I have plan "B"


KatBouska said...

Hi, just stumbled into your blog while browsing around...what a dilemna! As parents we want to be so careful about what we put into their little bodies, but at the same time...does it work?? Tough position to be in, but you'll make the right one for our family. At least you have options!! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...


I have known Gannon since what? BIRTH.

You all tried everything. I know you did not wanna do the meds but this was hardly a quick fix for you all. You tried and exhausted every possible solution and I know you don't want this to work but if it is, it is.

Be glad, girl. Sometimes you have to go through several meds to find one that does not make them MORE hyper.

You all are fab parents and even though this was not your desired outcome, it's working and that's wonderful. :)

Your bitch in Luziana.

Anonymous said...

Hi -

Mom of five kids! I'm a pretty seasoned queen mom bitch here and I am telling you that "not being proud of the outcome" shouldn't even escape your lips! You sound like the kind of mom any kid would want to have - even if none of the little ankle biters realize they love us until they're 30!! You're hilarious - I've been reading your blogs. Sounds like you a are crazy about your kids & you did everything right. Some decisions we are faced with are just really difficult and tear at our heartstrings more than others. Comes with the territory. He'll do great, you'll see, and you & hubby will eventually breathe a sigh of relief. Plus, it's not like he'll be on the medication - FOREVER. It may just be for a time to even things out, so to speak. By the way, I don't know what you do for a living but you're one hell of a writer. Yours is great stuff. You should be making the bucks with a regular newspaper or magazine column.

-All the best to you!
J.J. Rodgers
(Colorado Home Essay Contest lady)